Thursday, 6 March 2014

My Jobs for March…

My Jobs for March…
I love the month of March as not only does the winter begin to recede but we officially step into spring. I am really excited to be getting down to my allotment this weekend after all this rain and remove any weeds that have survived through the mild winter and begin preparing my beds by applying some fertilizer in preparation for sowing and planting during April and May.
First early potatoes, onions, shallots and garlic by the end of the month.
Seeds can be sown directly if you covered and warmed the soil, otherwise I would advise to sow indoors or under cloches and in cold frames. Some hardy seeds such as broad beans, broccoli, cabbages, leeks, parsnips, peas that are able to germinate at low temperatures can also go in. More tender crops such as aubergines, peppers, chillies and tomatoes can be started inside this month or in a heated greenhouse until it is warm enough outside.
Harvest any remaining brussel sprouts, celeriac, parsnips and swedes if you have any left.
Tidy-up / Prunning
Trim up all established herbs and propagate chives and mint (especially) by digging it up, dividing then re-planting to keep them under control. Ensure all winter-pruning for fruit canes / bushes is done this month.
Feed any overwinting crops
Any crops that have been in the ground through the winter may be looking a bit unhealthy, make sure you apply a dressing of blood, fish and bone meal, chicken manure, or seaweed-based organic fertilizer which will perk them up.
Weather conditions improve...
Having seen the weather forecast for this weekend (up to 15 degrees) I shall be making the most of it by fitting in as many jobs as possible including planting out my dwarf fruit trees. I will upload some further pictures after the weekend...